
Feeling Lost? Let These 20 Pieces Of Video Game Advice Guide You


Published 4 years ago

Giving good advice is an art form, so it's no coincidence that we turn to art when we're in need of guidance. Sometimes this involves more than listening to music or getting lost in your favorite film though, as Twitter user Video Game Advisor proves. The examples below show how we've moved past all those scare stories about video games corrupting society and realized that maybe they have something helpful to say after all.

Extreme Hairdressing

(Source: Twitter)

Whenever I Take An L

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Not As Bad As Stepping On Lego

(Source: Twitter)

Antivax Rage Intensifies

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Brb, Showing Grandma My Meme Collection

(Source: Twitter)

The Beer Cheese Hater Has Logged On

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Message For Panic Buyers

(Source: Twitter)

Bottom Of The Hierarchy Of Needs

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

The Canine Incel

(Source: Twitter)

Completing Exactly One Thing On Your To Do List

(Source: Twitter)

Shy People Everywhere

(Source: Twitter)

Footloose (1984)

(Source: Twitter)

Side Eyes My Screen Report

(Source: Twitter)

Those Evening Naps Hit Different

(Source: Twitter)

Thanks Hulk

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: video games, gaming, advice, memes, collections, pokemon, video game logic,
