
Relate To Your Fellow Man With These 23 Relatable Memes

Two images from r/meirl.
Two images from r/meirl.

Published February 27th, 2024

Published February 27, 2024

Everyone wants to relate to their fellow humans. Relating to peers is one of the most crucial ways to feel liked and included. Sometimes things happen in life that are just so specific and so odd that it feels like there is no one else out there who could possibly relate to that feeling.

Fortunately, though, there are relatable memes that help in bringing everyone together. Relatable memes are a popular kind of meme because they are easy to share. They describe and portray some super specific feelings that can be difficult to articulate otherwise. They help to remind the world that no one is alone. Whatever someone is feeling, there is almost a 100 percent chance someone else has also felt that way.

Reddit has a subreddit called /r/MeIRL. This subreddit, whose name stands for "me, in real life", is full of the most relatable memes out there. Here are just 23 of them to bring everyone a little closer to each other today.

It Isn't Fair

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone Know?

(Source: Reddit)

Rough Day

(Source: Reddit)

… True

(Source: Reddit)

Never Mind!

(Source: Reddit)

Wishing I Was in Bed

(Source: Reddit)

Water in the Middle of the Night Is Euphoric

(Source: Reddit)

No, Seriously Though

(Source: Reddit)

Bring Back Intermissions

(Source: Reddit)

It Ends Up Being the Biggest Regret

(Source: Reddit)

Like Please

(Source: Reddit)

It'll Happen…

(Source: Reddit)

Just So You Know

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Getting Flashbacks

(Source: Reddit)

Yep, 100%

(Source: Reddit)

He Won

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Believe This…

(Source: Reddit)

Fair Enough

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks for That

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: relatable memes, r/meirl, r/me_irl, mood, big mood, same, school, kids, twitter, history, apple, technology, work, jobs, teachers, cruises, news, tiktok, spongebob, food, seafood, the office, big bang theory, wikipedia, family, linkedin, collections,