
Enjoy These Controversial "Free Hong Kong" Memes


Published 5 years ago

It's pretty safe to say that China is not having a great week. Following the Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests that kicked off in June, China has taken issue with any entity or person seemingly supportive of Hong Kong.

This week, the NBA and South Park joined Winnie-the-Pooh in being censored by President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government. In addition, the drama between Blizzard Entertainment and their fans who wish to boycott it for not defending their employee, is causing quite a lot of friction online. Below is a collection of some of the best memes circulating around Reddit that support the "Free Hong Kong" movement.

When your friends want you to join South Park

(Source: Reddit)

Can't wait to stream

(Source: Reddit)

How good is number 3?

(Source: Reddit)

When you thought it was time to focus on Spooktober, but Reddit tells you otherwise

(Source: Reddit)

Drake will not stand for censorship

(Source: Reddit)

Thankful as hell for Wikipedia

(Source: Reddit)

Just going to keep it at a whisper though

(Source: Reddit)

Despite it all, I'd live in China if their police looked like DeVito

(Source: Reddit)

One must keep making them if they keep getting banned

(Source: Reddit)

Working together to cancel China

(Source: Reddit)

It's the thought that counts

(Source: Reddit)

All political battles should become rap battles

(Source: Reddit)

Always fear a man with no pants

(Source: Reddit)

Vote Reddit 2020

(Source: Reddit)

When James Lipton asks me what my favorite curse word is

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: free hong kong, china, /r/dankmemes, simpsons, netflix, winnie the pooh, /r/memes,
