Dad Believes His Children Should Pay For Their Family Vacation
What does one do when they have a family but also want to take an expensive holiday in Cuba? Well, if you're Reddit user u/throwaway12947361, you ask your children to help pay for that vacation, and then have the fates decide on the subreddit /r/AmITheAsshole if you are in fact a terrible parent for doing so. After the story was posted to the Twitter account @AITA_reddit, users almost unanimously agreed that he was being an asshole. Below are some of the best responses to this story.
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Many were aghast at asking a 12-year-old to pay for a trip.
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Some argued that this is only normal when your children are full-blown adults.
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Some even attempted to rationalize his behavior, but still couldn't understand it.
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Except for this one user, who felt it was ok to teach fiscal responsibility to a 12-year-old.
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However, the best responses came from those who offered better alternatives.
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