The world is rarely an easy place to inhabit. Sometimes, we need a break from yesterday's stresses. Now, it's time to forget about the past and move on to more wholesome matters with these animals from Reddit's /r/Eyebleach.
Smiling Alpacas
(Source: Reddit)
A Family Portrait
(Source: Reddit)
Admiring Her Big Sister
(Source: Reddit)
Lunch with Mom
(Source: Reddit)
Meeting a New Friend
(Source: Reddit)
One of These Things Is Not Like the Others
(Source: Reddit)
The Whole Squad
(Source: Reddit)
Working from Home
(Source: Reddit)
Supurrvisor on Duty
(Source: Reddit)
Perfect Timing
(Source: Reddit)
Why Black Cats Aren't Bad Luck
(Source: Reddit)
Another Heart
(Source: Reddit)
A Happy Accident
(Source: Reddit)
Matching Costumes
(Source: Reddit)
An Assortment
(Source: Reddit)
The Best Place to Nap
(Source: Reddit)
A Good Boy Going Camping
(Source: Reddit)
Birthday Surprise
(Source: Reddit)