Bonkers Trump Moments Dominate Memes Of The Week
Donald Trump had himself a big week last week, which meant the entire internet had a big week too.
It started with Trump's bizarre Axios interview in which the president made several claims about America's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic but was gamely met by Axios reporter Jonathan Swan doing his journalistic duty, asking follow-up questions and making a WTF face.
The rest of the week, Trump had a very difficult time pronouncing well-known places, including Yosemite National Park and Thailand (he went with Yo Semites and Thighland, respectively). This made the last week huge for the Trump meme economy, much to the chagrin of people who are sick of seeing his every gaffe turned into the hot topic of the day.
Elsewhere on the internet, Smash Ultimate revealed a surprise new stage called Small Battlefield, which amused veterans of the game, and Reese Witherspoon launched a new challenge that perfectly encapsulates the monthly feelings of 2020 so far.