Bernie Vs. Hillary Template Revived, Featuring The Entire Democratic Field Failing To Outclass Sanders
A certain subset of politics-heads online will tell you that we have been reliving the 2016 United States Presidential Election for the past four years, as we relitigate the presidential runs of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump in anticipation of November 2020.
Naturally, this has led to the revival of one of the 2016 cycle's most popular memes: Bernie or Hillary? The template from then was simple: a graphic showing where Sanders and Clinton stood on any issue would have Bernie giving the "cool" answer and Clinton giving the "lame answer."
In the recent crop of Bernie or Hillary memes, Hillary has been replaced with nearly every candidate in the 2020 Democratic field. So far, the most prominent candidate to appear in the edits is Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
While Buttigieg has appeared in the lion's share of edits, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren have also appeared.
At this rate, it is only reasonable to assume we'll see Sanders vs. Whoever memes well into the 2050s.