Welcome to January 2020 where we're basically on the brink of World War III thanks to rising tensions between the United States and Iran. While the news remains frightening, many have used memes as a therapy to combat the anxiety we all feel during these difficult times. Below are 16 of our favorites.
Make Every General A Karen
(Source: Reddit)
The Correct Combination
(Source: Reddit)
Even Alexa Confirms This
(Source: Reddit)
A Group Effort Indeed
(Source: Reddit)
The Correct Way To Recruit
(Source: Reddit)
How Did I Get Here?
(Source: Reddit)
Imagine What February Will Bring
(Source: Reddit)
We're Doing Great
(Source: Reddit)
What Is Your Role, United Nations?
(Source: Reddit)
At Least We'll Have Reddit
(Source: Reddit)
Gotta communicate somehow