As America enters another week facing its racist history during the George Floyd Protests, familiar battle lines are being drawn between the Black Lives Matter movement and the anti-protest legion who have come out in support of police.

At the center of this heated controversy is a renewal of the debate surrounding the Confederate States of America, the former conglomerate of southeastern states which seceded from the United States in the mid-nineteenth century after the abolitionist movement pushed for the abolishment of slavery. The resulting split led to the American Civil War, which the Union won in 1865, and the states that seceded rejoined the United States.

The Confederacy has reverberated throughout American history, with its existence becoming an integral part of southern American heritage. However, many Americans feel that the glorification of the Confederacy is tantamount to glorifying not just the southern United States but also the racism it ostensibly stood for. Amidst the George Floyd protests, several statues honoring prominent members of the Confederacy have been removed and NASCAR has banned the presence of the Confederate flag at its events, re-sparking the familiar debate about what the Confederacy represents.

However, some have noted that the Confederacy only lasted from 1861-1865, a total of four years, the lot of which were marked by the Civil War. Twitter user @Cooperstreaming shared a post which noted that many things such as Nirvana and "my emo phase" lasted longer than the Confederacy and challenged users to name other things which lasted longer than the Confederacy. The resulting thread puts a strange perspective on the continued presence of the Confederacy in American culture.

Of course, some have a less technically-true but still viable take on the matter.

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Comments 26 total


Duke Nukem Foreverโ€™s development


Le epic late 2000s And early 2010s

Production of Nissan S platform car (1976-2002) is longer than The Confederacy.



Yandere Simulator has been in development for longer than the Confederacy had existed


Master Pain

Technically not true; when called out about his bad code, YandereDev said it's just a proof of concept, and that he hasn't started real development yet
So technically, YanSim has not even entered development yet :^)



>INB4 the final version is even more else/if coding


Jon the Wizard

The Clinton administration.



Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 has been out longer, showing a whole generation of people the wonder that is Darkwave, Synthwave, Retrowave, justโ€ฆ.all the good music these days.


Tio God of Soda

These people think they know anything about the confederacy. At least 95% couldn't point out the actual CSA flag. The "confederate flag" is actually a symbol of southern culture. And I'm not even southern and I know at least this. And now my point, if the type of people going after the southern history are these people. Then you will have people more likely to blindly defend their history then actually see the wrongdoings in the past and learn from it. There's a reason why this image exists



The Confederacy was a part of Southern history for 1861-1865, like 5 years, which was a traitorous insurrection against the United States of America because they wanted to practice their states rights (to own slaves). I think they can do without it.


Tio God of Soda

Almost twice as many people died in the Civil War than WWII (US deaths not total) with a smaller population. But if you're still convinced that time=impact then 9/11 lasted for by far less and look how much our modern US is effected.



Those deaths were instigated by traitors, and their descendants want to keep their 5-year-old flag up somewhere other than a museum? What of this 5-year history are they proud of, and do any of them know of it other than they launched an insurrection against the country they claim to be patriotic for? What nonsense!

I mean, I don't agree with policy that affected society post-9/11 either, because our leaders don't know the definition of Blowback. It's ridiculous. We fund the Taliban in the 80s and we don't expect anything to come of it in the future?



The Brony fandom by this point lasted more twice as long.

Loss as a meme is also a decade old by now.

The Furry Fetish in general started to gain popularity around the same time anime and manga started to came into existence and slowly moved their way to the US (because the godfather of manga and anime, Osamu Tezuka, is a confirmed furry. His American friend, Fred Patten was also one of the early furries). So this form of furry fandom as we know it today existed for about 40-50 years by now. So about 10 times as long as the Confederacy.

But yes, claiming an insurgency that lasted only four and a half years as "heritage" is bullshit. What these people mean are the ideals of the confederacy, which existed for longer than thatโ€ฆ the ideals of owning human beings as property. But of course they would never say that aloud.



Weren't it also the furries that helped popularize anime in the west?




One way or the other, furry culture is DEEPLY rooted in anime culture and vice versa.

So if you are a furry hating weeb, remember: furries are the cousins of your fandom!



I certainly hope so, and that goes for literally everyone else on earth, too.



I don't know if I should congratulate you or be concerned
