No one is killing the New Years' resolution game more than Meme Man, who is finding ways to take on many different occupations in 2020. And while he may be embracing new roles, he is still finding it extremely hard to spell. Below are 15 of our favorite Meme Man Wurds that definitely still have the same definition but new spelling.

Better Luck Next Time

(Source: Reddit)

Lyrical Genius

(Source: Reddit)

You'll Never Be Able To Unsee This

(Source: Reddit)

They Are Gorgeous

(Source: KYM User oudaveguy98)

Our Education System Is Great

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Just Like Him

(Source: Reddit)

Wait Until WW3

(Source: Reddit)

Loving That Sweater

(Source: Reddit)

When Hot Topic Has A Sale In 2020

(Source: Reddit)

Add It To Your Future Resume

(Source: Reddit)

It's Called Acting

(Source: Reddit)

Best Pens In The World

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Time To Audition For Top Chef

(Source: Reddit)

He Looks Amazing With That Set Of Hair

(Source: Reddit)

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Comments 3 total


Reddit runs anything slightly funny or interesting into the ground



Now that they're all in one place, let's nuke them all from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.



sorry i think you mean "all of the unfunny forced cgi wojack misspelling memes in wun place"
