A bit of positivity can always be found if you look in the right places. Right here, for instance. We've scoured the vast expanse of the internet to compile the most random and entertaining images and memes across all genres, because a handful from the assortment will hopefully offer something interesting to everyone. For your entertainment, we've collected some of the best gems from the online community in the past week. They span a spectrum of genres, and they might not always be plain funny or relatable, and some can be just plain weird.

Do you agree that these images are worth a look? Here, you can decide for yourself. Not everyone laughs at the same things, but it seems most people are enjoying the variety of odd photos, memes and more that people have submitted to social media in the past week. There's a lot out there to brighten your day (or make it way weirder), so join us as we delve into a selection of the week's finest funny, wholesome and downright entertaining images discovered across the ever-changing world of social media.

Peak Cinema

Ol' Reliable

Good Kitty

Sheev's Pizza

Wait Until They Discover NFTs


Show Some Respect

Safety First

Thank You

Washing Dishes

Cat Owners Know the Pain


I Already Do This

I'll Never Understand Why

Wholesome Food Art




Me When the Alarm Goes Off



Suddenly Relevant

Who's Excited for Plane Seats?

You're Welcome

Blame Aliens

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