Once in a while, we could all use a mashup of randomness to get us through the day. That's why we've collected some of the most random things the online community has to offer, all in the form of various meme genres. They're not always funny, not always relatable and sometimes a little wholesome, too. While they're all different from the others, they're all well worth a look.

The following images have no general theme or interesting thread connecting them. Instead, they're simply funny or otherwise entertaining selections found in the past week. Maybe they can improve the daily routine for you as you get adjusted to the randomness of real life during the work week. Thanks to the online world, we can now throw something more interesting into the daily toil with some unexpected entertainment. Here are some of this week's best funny, wholesome or otherwise entertaining images found across social media.


Pyramids? Aliens

So Advanced

Just Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

This Menu "Hack"

(Source: Reddit)


Remind Me?

(Source: Reddit)


Coolest Thing Ever

Eclipse Moment

Good Answer

NPC Otter

Not Really

I Relate

Terrible Opinion


(Source: Reddit)

Another GOT One

Distressing Meme

Awkward Moment

(Source: Reddit)

Cats Have Feelings


Amazon Delivery Instructions

(Source: Reddit)

How Would You Show Your Work for This?

(Source: Reddit)

The Wonders of Online Dating

Every Time

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