
A Collection Of People Trying Very Hard To Look Smart

A Collection Of People Trying Very Hard To Look Smart


Published October 22, 2019

If you're looking to see a bunch of people discuss their IQ's for some reason, we have a subreddit for you! /r/IAmVerySmart exists to demonstrate how cringey people can be when trying to appear intelligent on social media. Below are some of the funniest examples of people doing a terrible job of proving how much smarter they are than others.

Our favorite "stable genius"

(Source: Reddit)

Can someone provide the Latin term for "pun"

(Source: Reddit)

I too, like to declare my IQ without actually knowing what it is

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Someone tell Drake to stop writing poetry in the club

(Source: Reddit)

This one is so smart they created a new spelling for "beverages"

(Source: Reddit)

When you discover what a thesaurus is

(Source: Reddit)

Beyond University, the alma mater of Buzz Lightyear

(Source: Reddit)

Thoughts & prayers

(Source: Reddit)

Feel free to add me to this list of people that don't like you

(Source: Reddit)

Ok Matilda, we get it

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty sure everyone has this reaction when they take a Benadryl

(Source: Reddit)

With an IQ that high you don't even need to use proper grammar

(Source: Reddit)

No doubt in my mind E stands for Elon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: donald trump, harry potter, starbucks, intelligent, iq, twitter, the office, greta thunberg, hermione, beyond university,
