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27 History Memes For A Look Back On The Past

Two history memes


Published November 01, 2023

We may feel like we're living in a strange, miserable world nowadays, but history's always been pretty messed up, and these memes are a great reminder of that. Throughout history, people have been doing dumb things for reasons we can't really explain, and now that they're in the distant past, we can laugh about them without feeling bad. Okay, maybe we do feel a little bad, but we have to put all that unused knowledge from high school history classes to use for something, right? Maybe these memes are the best thing you'll experience as a result of your APUSH course knowledge.

History memes take old scenarios we may or may not be familiar with and create some rather entertaining new jokes from them. Often, they're a bit educational, and in the least painful of ways, since they're also pretty fun. So technically, they're a productive use of your time, and you don't have to feel bad about looking at them instead of doing your work. It's not procrastination if you're learning about some cool history facts while you scroll on your phone. Here are some of our favorite new examples of memes made from the distant past.

Well That's Unfortunate

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

(Source: Reddit)

They Weren't That Exciting

(Source: Reddit)

Tumblr Didn't Invent It?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Don't Look It Up

(Source: Reddit)

Big Brain Time

(Source: Reddit)

Bad Choice

Cavalry Charges Weren't That Great

Double Standard

They Aren't Getting Away That Easy

This Is a Cheetah

Didn't Even Try to Hide It


(Source: Reddit)

It's Offensive, Really

(Source: Reddit)

Surprisingly, It Did

(Source: Reddit)

That Went Bad Fast

(Source: Reddit)

Forgetting Something?

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes More than One

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Reality Is Often Disappointing

About the Winter War

So Advanced

Cleopatra and Caesar

Totally Not Making That Up


But I Need More Soap!

Tags: history, history memes, reddit, collections, education, school, educational,
