25 Tweets That Are Too Easily Relatable
Every once in a while, you stumble across something so easy to relate to that it makes you genuinely concerned for your well-being. We've all been there, and no, it's not always a good sign. We shouldn't all be this oblivious, confused, depressed, or darkly sarcastic. But looking at these posts is like staring in a mirror for too long and seeing a glimpse of what human nature really has in store.
Of course, by the time you figure out the meaning of human existence through these dumb jokes, you may regret being human at all, and wish you could have just been born a turtle or a pine tree. For sure, that would have been the better way to live, but instead, you now get to relate to the online hivemind of people with an equally broken sense of humor. But you'll still relate, and these posts will definitely resonate with you. These tweets were hand-picked by the users of /r/meirl for that very purpose. Take a look at some tweets you'll understand a bit too well.
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