Contrary to popular belief, something can be funny and sad simultaneously. Though the two feelings are so drastically different, there's a lot of ways this can be executed. For one, social media posts that just feel too real, like jokes that reference our ever-crumbling economy. Many of us have developed a hardened sense of humor over the years, and sometimes, the funniest things to us play around with some rather messed-up problems in society or simply a situation that could be considered a bit of a bummer. Nevertheless, they're weirdly entertaining.

Here, we've collected a number of times something managed to blend hilarity and sadness so seamlessly that they created a masterpiece. The following images and memes might be funny, but they also shed some light on a deeper truth that might make you feel a little bit down about the state of the world. Here are some of our favorites, if you could call them that.

It Really Do Be Like That

(Source: Reddit)

So Many Vacation Days…

(Source: Reddit)

Not to Get Political, But

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Wage Gap

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Reddit)

Never Surrender the Cognac

(Source: Reddit)

Petitions for Ghosts to Do This in 2023

(Source: Reddit)

The American Dream

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, Man

(Source: Reddit)

Causing Chaos and Canceled Vacations

(Source: Reddit)

Find Any?

(Source: Reddit)

So Frustrating

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sick Leave? Who Needs That?

(Source: Reddit)

Out of His League

(Source: Reddit)

Companies Don't Care

(Source: Reddit)

Stay Toxic

(Source: Reddit)

No Millennial Has This Much Money

(Source: Reddit)

When You Think You're Special

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Smart Choice

(Source: Reddit)

Very Realistic

(Source: Reddit)

Why No One's Talking About the UFO Hearings

(Source: Reddit)

Poor? Have You Tried Starving?

(Source: Reddit)

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