We really didn't ask for much. It's not difficult to do something you've been trained extensively for, especially when it's the one thing you're actually supposed to do. But these people decided that really was not their job. They had one job, and still they failed. Take a look at some of the funniest times they really messed up below.

The Therapist That Doesn't Give Therapy

(Source: Reddit)

Pickle-Free Pickle Jar

(Source: Reddit)

Very Creative

(Source: Reddit)

This Parking Lot

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Blurring Both Is Too Hard

(Source: Reddit)

Another One

(Source: Reddit)

You Missed

(Source: Reddit)

This Stove

(Source: Reddit)

One Way

(Source: Reddit)

It's Become Self-Aware

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Still Eat It

(Source: Reddit)

I Made the Cake, Boss

(Source: Reddit)

Always Check Your Spelling

(Source: Reddit)

What a Fun Way to Advertise

(Source: Reddit)

Santa's Going to Be Really Confused This Year

(Source: Reddit)

This Shouldn't Have Been So Difficult

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Socks

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

These Apples

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Birthdya

(Source: Reddit)

Another One of These

(Source: Reddit)

Real Architectural Skill Here

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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Related Entries 4 total

You Had One Job
FAIL / Epic Fail

Comments 2 total


The cat socks are an old, old photoshop.


Geigh Science

The funeral tube man has a lot of genuine meme potential ala the Ghana Coffin Dancers, and "fucked with fruit nutrients" also got a chuckle out of me
