Bad memes can be found anywhere, but honestly, it's mostly Facebook that's to blame. It's not because of any fault in the platform itself (please don't demonetize us), but rather due to the countless soccer moms churning out political memes that contradict themselves or just posting an unrelated impact font caption over an image of a baby crying. We've all seen it back in 2010, and for some reason these awful memes never died out, and instead they've only grown worse.

They've gotten to a point where they're constantly trying to make disapproving jabs at the younger generation or mocking their wives for being the worst people in the world. They basically only have a handful of jokes, and none of them are good, but quite a few members of the older generation are posting some truly bad content all the time because they genuinely believe we need to see it. Boomer humor memes are hilariously bad, and we've collected some of the worst to share with you today.

You Better Not Scroll By This

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Xavier

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, Totally Healthy

(Source: Reddit)

Unpopular Opinion, but I'm Glad I Didn't Drink Coors as a Baby

(Source: Reddit)

Peak Boomer Humor

(Source: Reddit

Another Minion Meme

(Source: Reddit)

I've Been Seeing This One for Decades

(Source: Reddit)

So Difficult to Understand

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Darn Kids!

(Source: Reddit)

Comedy Genius

(Source: Reddit)

Welcome to 2008

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Genius Indeed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

One of the Worst Ones I've Ever Seen

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Enjoy This So-Called "Meme"

(Source: Reddit)

But Someone Still Took a Picture of the First Thing?

(Source: Reddit)

Very Real Fake Texts

(Source: Reddit)

OCD, So Funny

(Source: Reddit)

Please Stop with the Minions, I'm Begging You

(Source: Reddit)

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Cursed Boomer Images
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Baby Boomers
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Funny how a site that started as a digital yearbook has now lost that audience.
