25 Of Reddit's Best Memes That Hit Too Close To Home
Once in a while, we stumble across a meme that feels way too real. Reality holds a crushing weight, one that can only properly be articulated through these memes, and they're helpful in our coping process. You might even feel called out personally by some of these. It's often hard to describe why, but we typically relate to these memes on another level, even if they're not directly about someone like us. There's a mood and general vibe about them that makes us say, "Yeah, I felt that."
Often, these memes are part of a genre known as Me IRL memes, and thanks to the subreddit /r/meirl, we've gathered some of these hard-hitting memes for you to enjoy today, or simply for you to feel called out by. Here are 25 of the best unexpectedly relatable memes and tweets from the past month.
Let Me Guess, Baldur's Gate III?
(Source: Reddit)
Many gamers are making Baldur's Gate III into a full-time job.
Not Like We Remember How to Do It, Anyways
(Source: Reddit)
Ballroom dancing was another useless unit in gym class.
When You Try to Expand Your Music Taste
(Source: Reddit)
We all know the feeling of trying to learn to love new music, but getting sorely disappointed.
Old TVs Were a Mystery
(Source: Reddit)
How did they work, really? I just pressed buttons randomly until it looked right.
(Source: Reddit)
The sad truth is that ice cream is one of the cheapest things you can eat for dinner.
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