
25 Interesting Images Showcasing Our Dystopian Society

Two images from r/aboringdystopia.
Two images from r/aboringdystopia.

Published February 7th, 2024

Published February 07, 2024

Most folks have a specific image in their minds when they think of a "dystopian society." There are tons of books, movies, games and shows that are based on dystopia, and a lot of them are pretty extreme. Some of them are post-apocalyptic, some have skewed government structures and some are a totally different planet.

So when someone thinks of a dystopian society, they might not think of our own world. However, especially in these recent years, there are a lot of things going on that are pretty bizarre.

Everyone has gotten used to these situations but when these things are looked at from afar, it's hard to say that a lot of this is normal. In general, everyone is just trying to get by in life and do their best. There are a lot of obstacles that make it difficult though, rising grocery prices, taxes, politics, whatever.

For a peek into the strangeness of society, here are 25 images from Reddit's /r/ABoringDystopia that depict the dystopian society everyone unknowingly lives in.

Rental Cars with Window Ads

(Source: Reddit)

A Helpful Guide on How to Pay for Healthcare

(Source: Reddit)

You Don't Say

(Source: Reddit)

Pay for Your Wedding by Donating Plasma

(Source: Reddit)

A.I. Generated Diet Ad

(Source: Reddit)

These In-Game Ads

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, Okay

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

New Study

(Source: Reddit)

That's Devastating

(Source: Reddit)

So Wholesome

(Source: Reddit)

This Real Billboard

(Source: Reddit)

So Personal and Sincere

(Source: Reddit)

A.I. Powered Drive-Thrus

(Source: Reddit)

This Whole Idea

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Faucet Display for Ads

(Source: Reddit)

Customers Paying Wages

(Source: Reddit)

Guess Life Ain't That Bad

(Source: Reddit)

Well, Yeah

(Source: Reddit)

Just Get Another Job, Easy

(Source: Reddit)

A Problem That Shouldn't Exist

(Source: Reddit)

Housing Crisis Solved

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: r/aboringdystopia, dystopia, society, elon musk, twitter, ai, a.i., robots, jeff bezos, amazon, yahoo, news, work, facebook, jobs, therapy, ads, diets, food, gaming, video games, capitalism, we live in a society, advertising, collections,