
24 Unreasonable Demands From The Internet's 'Choosing Beggars'

Two choosing beggars


Published 11 months ago

By now, we've all heard the phrase, "beggars can't be choosers." Unfortunately, they often are. There are people everywhere who believe they're entitled to free gifts because of the TikTok followers they bought or the fact that they can trade a live alligator in their negotiations for a lower price. From /r/ChoosingBeggars, meet a new kind of Karen that left their legacy behind in screenshots and photographs. Just because beggars shouldn't be choosers doesn't mean they won't be.

Hopefully, no one you know is anything like these people, because we can't imagine what it would be like to encounter someone like this in real life. Seeing them act out on social media and online shopping platforms is bad enough. Yes, times are tough out there, but if you really need something desperately, you won't be begging for the newest model. These people think they should be given whatever they want for free, and we're all rooting against them. Here are 24 of our favorite choosing beggars who really should have minded their own business.

Free Isn't Good Enough

(Source: Reddit)

A Fair Trade

(Source: Reddit)

Tinder Is the New U-Haul

(Source: Reddit)

Small Business Owners Are the Best

(Source: Reddit)

Bake 100 Cakes for "Exposure"

(Source: Reddit)

Just 125 Years of Payments

(Source: Reddit)

Come Move a Volatile Bomb for Only $500

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

(Source: Reddit)

Impressive Stupidity

(Source: Reddit)

Emergency Repair

(Source: Reddit)

Free Logo Art

(Source: Reddit)

Customer Is Upset the Mattress Store Won't Help Them Move

(Source: Reddit)

Still a 20% Tip

(Source: Reddit)

The Commenter's Math Is Wrong, But Still

(Source: Reddit)

Make Someone Pay to Remove Your Damaged Deck

(Source: Reddit)

Free Camper Please

(Source: Reddit)

They Can Accept It

(Source: Reddit)

Pokemon Collector Wants Free Cards to Sell

(Source: Reddit)

Two Jobs in One

(Source: Reddit)

But God Will Bless You Very Much

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Apply If You Can't Work for Free

(Source: Reddit)

Incredibly Specific Request

(Source: Reddit)

Air Force Discount

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone Willing to Dig Their Own Grave for $200?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: choosing beggars, /r/choosingbeggars, karens, cringe, fail, karen, collections,
