If you've ever had a job you didn't like, you know the feeling of not caring about the quality of your work. Maybe you work retail and can't fake your way through another customer service interaction, or maybe you can't be bothered to count the number of chicken nuggets you put in a box and just throw a few handfuls in instead. Low-effort doesn't mean no effort, though. We can guarantee you've never messed up as badly at your job as these people did, because they simply didn't do what they were supposed to do at all, and they clearly didn't care. We all can kind of understand why, though at the same time we also can't understand how someone could fail at something so very simple.

We've all messed up on the job at one point or another, but these people took it to a whole new level, giving up the moment they faced an obstacle such as proofreading or slight physical labor. These are some of the funniest fails from people with a simple task at hand who really decided it wasn't their job.

No Wonder Why They Haven't Gotten Any Applications

(Source: Reddit)

(caption this meme here)

(Source: Reddit)

Isded, My Favorite

(Source: Reddit)

North, East, South, and East

(Source: Reddit)

I Put Up the Sign, Boss

(Source: Reddit)

A Handicap Ramp

(Source: Reddit)

Seamless Installation

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lazy Lines

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Right to Me

(Source: Reddit)

1 News At It Again

(Source: Reddit)

Beauty Is in the Details

(Source: Reddit)

Who Needs the Rockettes When You Have the Roachette

(Source: Reddit)

You Know What? Close Enough.

(Source: Reddit)

Clearly the Service Isn't So Good

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Another Useful Handicap Ramp

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Refilling the Soap Dispenser

(Source: Reddit)

Great Tech Tips

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It Was Supposed to Be a Mural

(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck Turning the Lights Off

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, This ATM Totally Won't Get Robbed Now That It's Taped Shut

(Source: Reddit)

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You Had One Job
FAIL / Epic Fail

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