
24 Of The Worst Memes From Your Weird Older Relatives On Facebook


Published 3 years ago

Facebook isn't exactly known for having great memes. Sure, it's got some fun meme pages and niche communities, but overall, it's got some issues as a meme platform. A lot of issues, in fact. The main users of Facebook are much older than the chronically online generation, and they've got some things to say that they definitely shouldn't be saying, things we never wanted to hear but can't help but laugh at.

Facebook is filled with posts like these, and some of the worst parts of it can have some that are pretty cringeworthy (to say the least). Mostly your older family members' profiles, honestly. Don't deny it, you know they're the worst. From recycled minion content to complaints about "kids these days and their phones," here are some of the worst Facebook memes that never should have gone beyond your elderly relatives' pages. Somehow, they caught on, so we may as well enjoy them (ironically, of course).

Nice Emojis

(Source: Reddit)

Based on a True Story

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Posted by a Mom

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Epic!

(Source: Reddit)

Two Old Drunks

(Source: Reddit)

Going Outside

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Dad Joke

(Source: Reddit)

You Can Count the Pixels

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Women with Cars Haha

(Source: Reddit)

Darn Kids!

(Source: Reddit)

Turn the Computer Off, Grandpa

(Source: Reddit)

A Response to "OK Boomer"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"Complicated" Joke

(Source: Reddit)

Taking Jobs

(Source: Reddit)

First of All

(Source: Reddit)

Karen Says:

(Source: Reddit)

Good One

(Source: Reddit)

Follow Your Dreams

(Source: Reddit)

What Does Green Dot on Tiger Means?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: facebook, bad memes, facebook memes, cringe, cringeworthy, cringe memes, memes, minions, emojis, comic sans, advice animals, collections, boomer memes, boomers,
