Now that nearly everybody carries a high-tech camera around in their pockets all day, there is arguably an over-supply of interesting photographic images. But, in a deeper sense, there could perhaps never be too many blessed images. These are everyday marvels, images encountered in the real world while playing the strange game called life. On Reddit, strangers gather, submit, and share their favorite blessed images on /r/blessedimages.

But there's also blursed images, ones which are simultaneously both blessed and cursed. These images scramble our mental categories, muddle the lines and blur the picture. These are some of the rarest and most special images. The internet is great for exalting these moments that people wouldn't think to eternalize in the past, for capturing in pixels and posts what we hold dearest in our hearts. As the eye skims the world, it lands from time to time on beauty, like a bee lands on flowers. Bringing the pollen back and crafting it into honey is what the social internets is all about.

The Residence

(Source: Reddit)

Everybody Gets A Happy Birthday

(Source: Reddit)

Art Mirrors Life

(Source: Reddit)

Has It ON

(Source: Reddit)

Essential Supplies

(Source: Reddit)

A Right Reason

(Source: Reddit)

The Family

(Source: Reddit)

He Is Cool

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Big Pencils

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Dear Friend

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Rules Followed

(Source: Reddit)

The Classes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Repurposed Planters

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Address

(Source: Reddit)

Healthy Snack

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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Blursed Images
Blessed Image


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