Attention, anime enthusiasts and meme connoisseurs, you're about to be immersed in the vivid and humorous world of "anime memes." These visual treats mix recognizable characters, memorable locations and smart captions to create a meme experience designed just for you. Anime memes capture the essence of our favorite anime episodes and characters, from the ludicrous to the realistic.

But if you thought the /r/animemes community was just all fun and games, think again. These guys take their anime seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they’ll come at you with pitchforks if you suggest that Attack on Titan isn’t the best anime of all time. And don’t even get me started on the endless posts about Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. You’d think that the show was made solely to provide meme material to /r/animemes. But hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. So, if you want to immerse yourself in the world of anime and memes, then take a look at these images from /r/animemes. Just be sure to leave your sanity at the door.

I'm my own worst enemy.

(Source: Reddit)

Who else is like this?

(Source: Reddit)

Do you hate it when this happens?

(Source: Reddit)

It always happens somehow.

(Source: Reddit)

That one teacher.

(Source: Reddit)

You forgot the oak plank for the handle.

(Source: Reddit)

Anya has superpowers too.

(Source: Reddit)

Found the cringejak.

(Source: Reddit)

Two types of anime fans.

(Source: Reddit)

What anime got you into anime?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Was reading a manga a while back and saw an opportunity.

(Source: Reddit)

How my dreams got crushed.

(Source: Reddit)

Ichi, Ni, San, Shi.

(Source: Reddit)

In regards to the LATEST Crunchyroll acquisition.

(Source: Reddit)

The good ending.

They were so cute.

(Source: Reddit)

Is that not just called cheating?

(Source: Reddit)

He got the wrong saber.

(Source: Reddit)

Single best movie to eat mushrooms to.

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, that's why the princess has that face.

(Source: Reddit)

Which one are you?

(Source: Reddit)

100% rate of success.

(Source: Reddit)

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