23 Ancient Memes For A Dose Of Classic Internet Nostalgia
Some memes are so old they're moldy, but others are even older still, and they've managed to become classics. Now, we look back on old memes and miss the simpler times. Sure, our memes now are definitely better than the typical memes of that era, but sometimes old memes are still pretty great. They didn't age too badly, or they provide a glimpse into the past we'd lost access to long ago. Their jokes might not have been the best back then, but for the time, they were groundbreaking.
These memes are a piece of online history, and they led us to where we are today. From advice animals to weird humor that resembles the jokes of the present, there's a lot to appreciate in vintage memes. So, for a few minutes, pretend 2024 doesn't exist and go back to the early 2010s, where you're about to discover these artifacts for the first time. Delve into the ancient treasure chest of memes with these 23 posts from a decade ago.