It's always better to tell the truth, even if it isn't in your favor. In the realm of "fake news" media and biased propaganda being thrown all across the internet, you can benefit from being blunt and speaking your truth. Of course, that isn't to say that telling the truth is always the right thing to do, because sometimes the literal truth isn't really the answer that people were looking for.

Enter /r/technicallythetruth, a subreddit dedicated to statements and facts that, while technically accurate, weren't exactly what people were expecting. The resulting miscommunication that often happens because of this is very humorous, and will probably either make you roll your eyes or facepalm at the absurdity. This subreddit serves as a friendly reminder that comedy exists in many forms, and sometimes by just speaking plainly, you can elicit a comical reaction, especially if presented in the right (or wrong) way.

Well, She Wasn't Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

The Only Way

(Source: Reddit)

Different Perspectives Are Key

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't See The Problem Here

(Source: Reddit)

He Got What He Asked For

(Source: Reddit)

I Mean… Yeah?

(Source: Reddit)

Work Smarter Not Harder

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder What Else Is Down There

(Source: Reddit)

Last 30 Minutes Used Wisely

(Source: Reddit)

Guess We'll Never Know

(Source: Reddit)

Periodic Table Rizz

(Source: Reddit)

It's Science!

(Source: Reddit)

Yup, It Counts

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Is Empathy?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Else Can Be Said?

(Source: Reddit)

I Can't Find Space Either

(Source: Reddit)

Booked a "Mountain View" Room

(Source: Reddit)

Albert Einstein Plays Albert Einstein

(Source: Reddit)

Josh Will Save Us All

(Source: Reddit)

Just Stop Being Sad

(Source: Reddit)

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Can't Argue With That / Techn...


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