
22 People Wondering How Exactly We're Supposed To Clean These Things


Published 4 years ago

For a place with a ton of ugly things on it, the internet sure is obsessed with aesthetics. Years spent browsing Pinterest boards and boggling at Wish ads have turned even the most cynical of us into mindless consumers, ready to be wowed by every ridiculous viral design concept we come across.

Luckily, we are not without voices of reason in this consumerist wilderness. More and more upstanding citizens are taking a stand against impractical design by asking a simple question, "How are you going to clean that?" Things designed by people who don't have to clean them points out some of the worst offenses against sanitation, involving everything from fancy bathroom setups to everyday household objects. As it turns out, there's more of them than you might think, since apparently practicality isn't a priority. Take a look at some of our favorites, which may change the way you look at everyday items for good.

Can't Dust That

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The Mattress

(Source: Facebook)

Pro Gamer

(Source: Facebook)

Pro Gamer 2: Electric Boogaloo

(Source: Facebook)

These Ceilings

(Source: Facebook)

French Horn

(Source: Facebook)

The Chair

(Source: Facebook)

Warm Pleatherette

(Source: Facebook)

Shower Time

(Source: Facebook)

Old Timey Cabinet

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Crockery Explosion

(Source: Facebook)

Sparkling Clean?

(Source: Facebook)

Spooky Table

(Source: Facebook)

Knitted Toilet

(Source: Facebook)

Bauble Bath

(Source: Facebook)

Spider Apartment

(Source: Facebook)

Innie Or Outie

(Source: Facebook)

A Neverending Task

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: cleaning, design, memes, editorials, collections, social media, consume product, consoomer, wish, pinterest, facebook,
