The past few years haven't exactly panned out the way we wanted it to. Yes, we have a vaccine for COVID, but there's war breaking out everywhere, and we're all feeling on edge. Once in a while, it can be nice to remind ourselves that this isn't the only time in history that the world has looked so bleak. It's a common thing, really, and history can be a comforting reminder that we're at least not in the middle of the Black Death all over again.

History has its good and bad parts, but it also has some super weird parts for us to joke about, which also helps to distract from the pain of the present. But this isn't the only era in history when the many events of everyday life have been completely ridiculous. These 25 history memes will remind you things have been unbelievably wild since the dawn of time.

That Water Really Helped

(Source: Reddit)

It Was a Sweet Thing to Say

(Source: Reddit)

Spicy Air

(Source: Reddit)

Was It Really Worth It?

(Source: Reddit)

Nature Is Metal

(Source: Reddit)

"I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drum would beat…"

(Source: Reddit)

Christmas Truce

(Source: Reddit)

It Gets Worse

(Source: Reddit)

King Tut

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

The Choice Is Simple

(Source: Reddit)

Secret Weapon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How Did They Avoid It?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Being a King

(Source: Reddit)

Fun Fact

(Source: Reddit)

The United Fruit Company

(Source: Reddit)

Not Our Problem

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"The Civil War Was About The South's Rights"

(Source: Reddit)

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History Memes
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