Children are the original sh**posters. It doesn't matter how skilled you are in the fickle world of internet humor, there's a kid out there with a nonsensical joke that blows you out of the water. As the subreddit @kidswritejokes has found, there's something about that lack of life experience that makes every so-called punchline that much more entertaining — as shown in the following highlights.

Everyone's Life Goal

(Source: Twitter)

It Do Be Like That Sometimes

(Source: Twitter)

I, For One, Welcome Our Household Appliance Overlords

(Source: Twitter)

Boogie Does That To A Mf

(Source: Twitter)

The Only Personality Traits I Care About

(Source: Twitter)

When You Answer The Door

(Source: Twitter)

We Love You Big Brother

(Source: Twitter)

The Only Two Colors

(Source: Twitter)

Ideal Mode of Transport

(Source: Twitter)

It's As Simple As That

(Source: Twitter)

The Price of Consumerism

(Source: Twitter)

Body Positivity

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Makes Sense

(Source: Twitter)

Jesus Is Quaking

(Source: Twitter)

Entering The Workplace Like

(Source: Twitter)

Animorphs Could Never

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Adulthood In A Nutshell

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Scientifically Accurate

(Source: Twitter)

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I absolutely love that kids' jokes have the cadence and rhythm of "normal" jokes, but they haven't quite grasped what makes something a joke yet.


The Math Hatter

Kids are better at surreal humor than you or I ever could be.



thas only because they dont have to worry about cohesion or continuity they can make their stories and jokes as surreal as they want