Whenever an oddly specific problem arises in your life, WikiHow is here to offer insights into dealing with the situation, accompanied by elaborate pictures that don't always relate to the actual premise of the article. Fortunately, /r/WikiHowMemes is a real thing, and it's the subreddit you never knew you needed. Here are the top posts from the subreddit to remind you how much the meme community owes to WikiHow's talented artists.

Nightmare Fuel

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Didn’t Work

(Source: Reddit)

Speaking Whale

(Source: Reddit)

A Forced Diet for your Dog

(Source: Reddit)

Catch You Later

(Source: Reddit)

Toddlers Are The Worst

(Source: Reddit)

Accept Your Fate

(Source: Reddit)

Hand It Over

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Blessed by Jesus

(Source: Reddit)

What Article Is This From Anyway?

(Source: Reddit)

Bad News

(Source: Reddit)

Easy Breezy


Positive Messages

(Source: Reddit)

"How To Flash a Laughing Dog"

(Source: Reddit)

How To Hide Your Identity As An Alien

(Source: Reddit)

How To Make A Stingray With Your Hair

(Source: Reddit)

Real Wikihow Questions Are the Best

(Source: Reddit)

Seems Accurate

(Source: Reddit)

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