
20 Times Animals Were Total Jerks


Published March 04, 2021

We already knew that cats can be jerks, but apparently, dogs can too … so can parrots, penguins and any other animal you can think of. As it turns out, bad behavior is universal. From pets stealing attention from babies to insulting rescuers from a rooftop, here are 20 times animals were as bad as people.

A Pest

(Source: Reddit)

“Winston Loves the Foster Kitten”

(Source: Reddit)

Stopping By to Scream at an Identical Cat

(Source: Reddit)

Smile and Wave, Boys

(Source: Reddit)

He Had To, for Some Reason

(Source: Reddit)

Ruining the Christmas Photo

(Source: Reddit)

I Prefer This

(Source: Reddit)

The Thief

(Source: Reddit)

A Comfy Seat

(Source: Reddit)

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

(Source: Reddit)

Who Says I Want To Be Rescued?

(Source: Reddit)

Guess It Wasn't Fruit Bats

(Source: Reddit)

"They Were Both Sleeping Three Minutes Ago"

(Source: Reddit)

Shame on Mr. Mac

(Source: Reddit)

A Cat with No Shame

(Source: Reddit)

He's So Proud

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

And Another

(Source: Reddit)

Wasted Money on the Cat Tree

(Source: Reddit)

Attempted Murder

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: animal, cat, dog, bird, wholesome, blessed, blursed, reddit, funny, pets, animals being jerks, r/animalsbeingjerks, animals, pers, memes, collections, cats, dogs,
