20 Strange People (And More) Who Belong In A Video Game Boss Fight
If you've ever played a video game in your life, you're probably familiar with the concept of a boss fight. Boss fights are one of the quintessential experiences of a gamer, because they can be some of the most frustrating experiences in a game. Often, you have to replay the same boss fight over and over again to finally beat the boss. And if you can't beat it, then it keeps you up at night until a new idea on how to approach the fight comes to you in the middle of the night.
The following images don't come from boss fights, but they should. That's why the subreddit /r/Bossfight exists. Each of these people, animals, hypothetical creations and more would make pretty hilarious bosses in the toughest video game you've ever played. Here are some of the funniest possible inspirations for video game boss fights.
(Source: Reddit)
John Wick Moment
(Source: Reddit)
We'll forgive this cat dad for his crimes, even though a court of law might not.
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