20 Small Moments That Will Infuriate You Mildly
There's a lot of moments in life that will cause you to feel great bouts of anger. Things that happen that are just so morally wrong that there is no other way to feel. However there are also many small moments every day that in the grand scheme of things are not serious, but make you feel terrible anyways. These are mildly infuriating moments. We experience them all the time.
Technical difficulties, something being just a little askew, the toilet paper roll being empty. They're the kind of moments that have the ability to make an already bad day so much worse, even though they truly aren't serious. The moments that will make you want to cry and laugh at the same time. You know that feeling. Reddit's /r/mildlyinfuriating is a place for everyone to come together to share the mildly infuriating moments that they encounter every day. While there are thousands of them, here are just 20 that you may be able to relate to.
Roof's Been Arrowed
Terrible Packing
First Grade Math
Ticket Fees
Not Quite
College Dorms
Paper Bags
Come on Now
Stall Windows
Gone For Good
Mangled Phone Charger
No Graphite Here
This Hot Dog
Extra Cheese
Cinnamon Twists and Marinara
Sale Price
Hanging on
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