20 Photos To Prove We're Living In A Dystopian Society
We read about dystopian societies in books. The genre has become quite popular and is entertaining. The societies represented in those books, though, are generally quite extreme, something we couldn't fathom being a part of. However, the dystopia is all around us. The way we consume media and commodities, the constant push for advertising, the struggle for most to simply thrive. We live in a dystopia, but unfortunately, it's much more boring that what could be pictured. Ads instead of cool adventures.
The signs are all around us. There's no escape from companies, capitalism and consuming; we are all a part of it. Reddit users have started to notice more and more of the blatant signs of our reality collapsing and thus have collected images, photos, headlines and other screen grabs to compile into a subreddit titled /r/aboringdystopia. The proof is all there. Here are 20 moments where the reality of our world set in for people.
I don't like this at all.
Consume always.
Might be kinda fun.
Feeling appreciated.
You can never escape.
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