
20 Passive Aggressive Acts That Get The Point Across Without Crossing A Line

Two images from r/passiveaggressive.


Published about a year ago

When it comes to inconvenient problems in life, dealing with them head-on in a mature and respectful manner generally is the best way to go. Avoiding being mean or aggressive is the best thing to do. Unfortunately, though, the mature way doesn't always work with some people. That's when we need to get petty. Doing something in a passive-aggressive way is just petty and direct enough to hopefully embarrass the perpetrator and stop the problem without getting too heated. It is also really funny when it happens in public settings, especially when it can be shared with the rest of us through social media.

Passive-aggressive behavior seems to be especially prevalent amongst annoying coworkers and lazy roommates, people who you aren't super close to but still have a significant part in your life. Reddit's /r/passiveaggressive is home to all of the most petty and passive-aggressive moments seen in real life. From emails to signs at businesses. Sometimes the best way is the petty way.

You Have Been Warned

(Source: Reddit)

The Owl

(Source: Reddit)

Mug Drama

(Source: Reddit)

This is Fair

(Source: Reddit)

Secret Recipes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Is Valid

(Source: Reddit)

Please Angie

(Source: Reddit)

Sure Am

(Source: Reddit)

Bad Day

(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh

(Source: Reddit)

Effective Communication

(Source: Reddit)

Make 'Em Proud

(Source: Reddit)

Judgmental Box

(Source: Reddit)

Coffee Cream Drama

(Source: Reddit)

AirBNB Hate

(Source: Reddit)

Trash Drama

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's Always Roommates

(Source: "":)

Maybe Next Time…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: passive aggressive, drama, coffee, work, food, wifi, airbnb, apartment, roommates, coworkers, retirement, job, living, dishes, snapchat, sign, car, driveway, duolingo, owl, apps, email, mugs, plant, recipe, twitter, tweet, school, teacher, collections,
