20 Of This Week’s Most (Mildly) Infuriating Images
Mildly infuriating images are all over the internet, from unsatisfying foods to people who can't take an important picture without blocking the camera lens. It seems the online community thrives on human suffering, and fortunately, these images can cause universal pain. Now, we all can suffer (just a little) at the hands of online strangers who are sharing these unsatisfying moments from their daily lives.
Often, we come across packaging too annoying to ignore or some grammatical errors that really hurt us in a way we can't explain. And even though these pictures are only a little upsetting, they're overwhelming too. After all, even though it's such a minor thing that it shouldn't be a big deal, it hurts all of us to see a square cake with a single triangular slice carved out of the dead center. If you're in too good of a mood today, here are 20 of this week's pictures guaranteed to annoy you.
Missing a Piece
(Source: Reddit)