Welcome to the real world, where we can't get everything we want for free. And no, "exposure" doesn't count as a method of payment either. If you're begging for something, you can't be so difficult to deal with. Have you ever heard the phrase "Beggars can't be choosers?" This means if you really need something, you shouldn't be demanding the premium version all the time if you can't afford it, like expecting someone on social media to just give you a free new car because you don't feel like getting a used one. It makes sense, right?

Well, apparently a lot of people don't agree with you. That's why Reddit has coined the term "choosing beggar." These choosing beggars believe they're entitled to something specific for literally no reason, or for a reason like "I'm a single mom" or "I'm an influencer (with 200 followers)." Here are some of the best of the worst found online recently. Would you give these people what they're begging for? Or simply give up on socialization altogether?

Horse Lady Wants $80,000 Off

(Source: Reddit)

"Spending the Night in Custody Was Bound to Happen"

(Source: Reddit)

Give Me Free Exotic Pets

(Source: Reddit)

Free Mullet

(Source: Reddit)

When You Don't Feed the Photographer

(Source: Reddit)

Make Me a Picnic, But You Pay Me

(Source: Reddit)

Seems Like a Fair Entry-Level Job…Oh, Wait..

(Source: Reddit)

A Whole $60 per Month

(Source: Reddit)

Begging for Free Art

(Source: Reddit)

Another Great Job Offer

(Source: Reddit)

Matching Tattoos

(Source: Reddit)

Free New SUV

(Source: Reddit)

Complaining About Someone Helping with An Unreasonable Request

(Source: Reddit)

Reverse Choosing Beggar

(Source: Reddit)

Premium-Quality Firewood

(Source: Reddit)

Important Points Before Applying to This Job

(Source: Reddit)

No Smaller

(Source: Reddit)

The Wristbands Are My Favorite Part

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Discord Nitro Giveaway

(Source: Reddit)

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