
20 Of The Best 'Woman Yelling At A Cat' Memes

Woman Yelling at a Cat


Published August 07, 2019

For years, the woman yelling at a cat meme has been sweeping the web, with numerous versions of the confused feline being berated for a variety of absurd reasons. Below is some of our favorite memes featuring The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members Taylor Armstrong and Kyle Richards and a very confused-looking Smudge the Cat.

Aren't paper straws enough?

woman yelling at a cat representing the internet blaming individual people for not stopping climate change

(Source: KYM)

Already a disappointment

(Source: Reddit)

brb. Googling if you can be allergic to people

(Source: Reddit)

I mean I would ask to speak to the manager too if it was that cute

(Source: Reddit)

Just let me have some coffee first

(Source: KYM)

A round of applause for DNA tests

(Source: Reddit)

Where is the fire alarm

(Source: Reddit)

My cat is a honor roll student

(Source: Reddit)

Just pick him first for dodgeball next time

(Source: Reddit)

Sir how dare you

(Source: Twitter)

We've got to find a better way to greet each other in the dog community

(Source: eBaum's World)

Do we think that guy sleeps though?

(Source: eBaum's World)

Everyone is pretty useless at 12 tbh

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: eBaum's World)

An absolute steal

(Source: eBaum's World)

The ultimate catfish

(Source: eBaums World)

Let's rollback the tape please

(Source: Reddit)

Catty Potter

(Source: KYM)

Violent farming in action

(Source: Reddit)

Let's all definitely buy this piece of art by @Trishnagaara.

(Source: Society6)

Tags: womanyellingatcat, cats, realhousewivesofbeverlyhills,
