Reddit's /r/WTF is not the place to go if you're looking for answers. No matter how hard you look or how detailed the explanations you come up with, you'll never know what the deal is with these images. There has to be a story behind them, but it's not something we'll ever know, which is both way funnier and incredibly unsatisfying at the same time.

Any rational human being would find it difficult to explain what happened in any of these images. Of course, there's not really a lot of context to go along with these, with the exception of a few captions covering how the finder discovered these things, much to their horror. But sometimes, not knowing the story behind something can be pretty fun, especially since it can haunt you forever from the moment you see it. If you're ready to be confused, here are some of the best pictures Redditors have found from all over the world that really don't make a lot of sense.

A Bat Found in a Headset

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Totally Safe to Me

(Source: Reddit)

When You Don't Want to Be Normal and Just Buy a Minivan

(Source: Reddit)

The House of Squirrel Jesus

(Source: Reddit)

Taylor Swift

(Source: Reddit)

This Random Canyon Opened Up in Connecticut

(Source: Reddit)

A Candid Shot of a Guy About to Hurl a Snake at Someone

(Source: Reddit)

These Are All Beer Cans from an Evicted Tenant

(Source: Reddit)

Fashion Has Taken a Turn Lately

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Even Know What to Say for This One

(Source: Reddit)

Plants Growing from an Electrical Socket

(Source: Reddit)

A Traveling Dentist's Hat from 1820s London

(Source: Reddit)

Sphynx Car

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like So Much Fun

(Source: Reddit)

This Car Hood

(Source: Reddit)

This Bench

(Source: Reddit)

Found in an Abandoned Mall

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Built Himself a Hanging Bench Six Stories Up

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Worst Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

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