
20 Of Our Favorite 'Disaster Girl' Memes Now That The Original Has Been Sold For Nearly $500,000


Published April 30, 2021

While we're out here working ourselves to death, Disaster Girl just made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling the original photo of her smiling while a house burned down behind her. Now that the Disaster Girl we once knew is more grown-up, let's distract ourselves from feeling old and instead reminisce on some of the best memes and Advice Animals that have been created from this legendary image over the years.

Taking Her Little Brother Skateboarding

Girl Scouts

Watch the Stove

(Source: The Sun)

Nap Time

(Source: Meme Guy)

A Pony

(Source: Medium)


(Source: Imgflip)

Franchise Loyalty

(Source: Imglfip)


(Source: Meme Generator)

Wikipedia Vandalism

(Source: imgflip)


(Source: Imgflip)

The Obligatory Among Us Meme

(Source: Imgflip)


Maybe She’s Born with It

Watching The World Burn

When You Got Coal for Christmas

On Fire

(Source: Unilad)

Leaving 20 Unfinished Projects Behind

(Source: Imgflip)

Technically the Truth

(Source: Imgflip)

The Only Reasonable Reaction

(Source: Imgflip)

Birthday Candles

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, disaster girl, advice animals, news, trending, pics, classic memes, nostalgic, nft, nfts, crypto art, zoe roth, ancient memes, collections,
