
20 Nostalgic Photos From Simpler Times


Published about a year ago

There are some things from everyone's childhoods that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Certain toys, games, shows, foods, candies, and more. There are some things that upon seeing them bring on wonderful feelings of nostalgia. Nostalgia is a funny feeling, something that's hard to accurately describe. It's both heartwarming and a little sad, because the days when the nostalgic thing was relevant were usually much simpler times.

While everyone has some of their own special moments and things from their childhood that bring on the feeling of nostalgia, there are also many universal things. Things that we all can share in loving and missing. '90s kids have some of their own things and so do 2000s kids. There's no wrong way to reminisce on the past, and everyone's old passions and comfort items are special and unique to them. Here are 20 old things that might bring on the feeling of nostalgia for a larger group of people, though.

Kraft Mac n Cheese and Hot Dogs

(Source: Reddit)

Shark Gummies

(Source: Reddit)

The Universal Alarm Clock

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When Netflix was a DVD

(Source: Reddit)

These Speakers

(Source: Reddit)

The Dollar Menu

(Source: Reddit)

Choco Tacos

(Source: Reddit)

Orange Julius

(Source: Reddit)

The Pitcher Everyone Had

(Source: Reddit)

Mouse Trap

(Source: Reddit)

Stretchy Slap Hands

(Source: Reddit)

Purse Candy

(Source: Reddit)

Touch Lamps

(Source: Reddit)

Fun Dip

(Source: Reddit)

The Book Fair

(Source: Reddit)

This Shampoo

(Source: Reddit)

Good Times

(Source: Reddit)

Old Vending Machines

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: reddit, memes, nostalgia, collection, r/nostalgia, meme, 90s, 90s kids, retro, vintage, 2000s, collections,
