
20 Memes To See While GameStop's Stock Mooning Is Temporarily Halted By Wall Street


Published 3 years ago

For those that are still unaware, there is currently a historical economic event taking place in our markets. The catalyst of this event is the company GameStop, which is experiencing a stock surge of unbelievable proportions. Without getting into the incredibly technical aspects of the stock market, GameStop stock is going up, it keeps going up and Hedge funds are scared.

Every time GameStop and other stocks, such as AMC or Nokia, start to rapidly rise, the stock seems to get halted, meaning no actions can be taken for five minutes. Now, in the eyes of a stock trader, five minutes may be a lifetime, but those five minutes can be used to look at these memes about the event unfolding around us. This is not financial advice.

Fortune PS500 Company

(Source: Twitter)

They're Scared Now

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

I Blame The Bird

(Source: Twitter)

Games Never Stop

(Source: Twitter)

Monke vs. Monke

(Source: Twitter)

It Will End The Same Way

(Source: Twitter)

This Is Not Financial Advice: Buy A Rocket

(Source: /biz/)

Looks Like A Ram Ranch Fan

Let's Go To The Moon

(Source: /biz/)

You Are Not Safe

(Source: Twitter)

Beat Stick

(Source: Twitter)

Too Late Now

(Source: /biz/)

Shaking In Their Silk Boots

(Source: Twitter)

You Get What You Deserve?

(Source: Twitter)

Without Agreeing, I Understand.

(Source: Twitter)

They're Scared to Give Us Checks Now

TBF It's Good DD

(Source: Twitter)

Good Job Son

(Source: Twitter)

Ram Ranch CEO Right There

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: amc, stonks, stocks, meme, funny, to, the, moon, elon, musk, hedge, fund, gamestop, gme, nok, wallstreetbets, collections, gamestop stock surge, r/wallstreetbets, memes,
