Not everyone loves Valentine's Day. For some, it's a reminder of the constant torment of single life. Being alone on Valentine's Day is like being the third wheel on every date, wishing you'd choke to death on Hershey Kisses before the day is through. If you're not feeling the holiday spirit, here are 20 of this week's best Valentine's Day memes for you.

Not Again

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Wholesome Reminder of our Loneliness

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We’re All Alone Together

(Source: Reddit)

Getting a Date

(Source: Reddit)

More for Me

(Source: Reddit)

Happens Every Year

(Source: Reddit)

Be Realistic

(Source: Reddit)

An Artist’s Representation of our Valentine’s Day

(Source: Reddit)

These are the Best Valentine’s Day Candies

(Source: Reddit)

‘Tis the Season

(Source: Reddit)

Don’t Mind Me

(Source: Reddit)

Valentine's Day with the Family


Forever Cologne



(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Instant Girlfriend

(Source: Reddit)

I’ve Had Enough

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

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Lonely. I travel 2 weeks, all is fine, but reply delayed.
I plan vacation by end of next noonth.
