
20 Memes Commemorating The Most 'Stonks' Week In History


Published 3 years ago

After bubbling to the surface of trending topics last week, Gamestop stock became the only thing anyone could talk about this week, as a collective of savvy market watchers on /r/WallStreetBets upturned the entire stock market by going all-in on the struggling video game retailer as well as other companies thought to be on death's door.

For those who still don't understand what's going on, /r/WallStreetBets users saw hedge funds were short-selling Gamestop stock on the bet that the price would go down; when they had to buy the stock back, they would get it for a lesser price than they borrowed it for and pocket the profit. But as everyone in /r/WallStreetBets started buying stock in Gamestop to force a short squeeze, the stock soared out of control as panicked hedge funds closed their Gamestop shares and hemorrhaged money and Redditors made a killing.

This led to multiple brokerages limiting the traders' ability to trade with the volatile stocks, which many viewed as an affront to the supposed free market, setting up a "little guy" vs. "bigwig" narrative that's dominated the conversation the past few days.

All caught up? Good. Now lets get into some dang memes already.

Everything Burns

The Apps!!

(Source: Twitter)

We're All Agreed

(Source: Reddit)

Retuuurn The Stooocks

(Source: Tumblr)

Wow, This Really United The Country

New Friends

Cow Jones

It's A Matter Of Principle

I Was Using Magic So I'm Safe

How Do You Do Fellow Fortune 500 Companies

Okay Maybe Not

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Finally, Leo's Well Deserved Oscar

(Source: KnowYourMeme)

Gamestonks Chan

(Source: Twitter)

Stocktum Sempra

(Source: Twitter)

POTATO_IN_MY_ASS: Invest With Confidence

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

The Winner

(Source: Twitter)

Sooo… Yes?

(Source: Twitter)

History Repeats

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: gamestop, stock, surge, wallstreetbets, stock market,
