Are you tired of scrolling through endless posts of cat videos, political rants, and selfies? Do you long for the thrill of the mundane? Well, look no further than the "Not Interesting" subreddit on Reddit. As the name suggests, this subreddit is dedicated to sharing the most boring and unremarkable things you can imagine. From pictures of a blank wall to videos of someone washing dishes, nothing is too dull to post on this page. But don't be fooled by the subreddit's name. Despite its unremarkable content, the community has managed to find humor in the mundane.

One post features a picture of a lamp that's so ordinary it's almost comical, while another post shows a video of a person watching paint dry. The subreddit's humor lies in its ironic celebration of the most uninteresting things, making it the perfect place for those who are tired of the constant stimulation of the internet. Here, you can take a break from the never-ending stream of news and entertainment and embrace the banal. So, if you're feeling bored and want to embrace the mundane, head over to the /r/notinteresting subreddit and prepare to be unimpressed. Just don't expect to find anything exciting, because that's not what this community is about. So let's take a look at the top-voted posts of the month which are not interesting at all.

More people live inside this red circle than outside it.

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah? No wonder we all are from the same planet.

I wonder what it is.

(Source: Reddit)

Can you guys watch my waffle?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Size of a banana, banana for scale.

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah it's quite alright? Seems like a cool "banana" to me.

The Air and Space Museum.

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Graph.

(Source: Reddit)

Air bubble.

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

There is a 11.21% chance that I guessed your city

(Source: Reddit)

The contents of my fridge.

(Source: Reddit)

African nugget.

(Source: Reddit)

Very interesting graph.

(Source: Reddit)

Always wondered if there were 2 "a"s in the English alphabet.

Weird fan.

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Charger head.

(Source: Reddit)

I can't escape it.

(Source: Reddit)

No one is free from the amogus disease.

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