The online community can be a cringeworthy place, especially when delving into the things middle schoolers and a select few Boomers think is so meaningful. The thing is, deep quotes often aren't really that deep. They're usually kind of idiotic, honestly. And we've chosen the worst of them to remind you that not everything is as it seems, unless you're young and angst-filled enough to try and make it mean something to you.

Reddit's /r/im14andthisisdeep is full of awkward attempts to voice a profound opinion. And we're not sure who's making things like this, but they're really not doing that good of a job with it. Seriously, they're a lot more laughable than impactful, and they may stick with you, but not for the right reasons. And every one of these was posted unironically to social media, usually by a younger teen who doesn't have a lot of explanation for being so sad but wants all their online friends to know about it. Here are some of the worst new attempts at sounding deep found by Redditors.

Crazy Frog

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Social Media Is Lying

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, JibJab

(Source: Reddit)

This Is So True

(Source: Reddit)

Battle Yourself

(Source: Reddit)

Here We Go Again

(Source: Reddit)

Analyzing Rick and Morty

(Source: Reddit)

So Accurate

(Source: Reddit)

Phones Are a Jail

(Source: Reddit)

You've Been Warned

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Seven Deadly Sins

(Source: Reddit)

I Hate These

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs > Humans Because They Don't Experience Capitalism

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not Like Other Girls

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hits Home

(Source: Reddit)

Be Thankful

(Source: Reddit)

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Alex Reynard

I'm not near me, don't come normal.
