In a dramatic attempt to capture the business and hearts of modern youth, businesses and corporations are attempting to mix memes into their advertising strategies. The biggest issue with this is that generally the people on the advertising teams are older than the demographic that they're trying to advertise towards. This creates a strange disconnect that results in the ads being extremely cringeworthy. By the time a meme makes it to mainstream media and eventually into ads, the meme itself is long gone in popularity. No one cares about it anymore. Instead of it being funny and cool, the ad is just bad and makes you feel kind of sorry for whoever on the marketing team made it.

Reddit's /r/FellowKids is the place for users to share their wild corporate meme content and memes in advertising spotted in the wild. More and more cringeworthy corporate memes pop up every day, and someone is sure to screenshot them and share them with the world so we can all laugh. Here are 20 recent ads butchered by their use of outdated, spoiled memes.

Hashtag Insane

(Source: Reddit)

True Fellow Kids

(Source: Reddit)

Fr Fr

(Source: Reddit)

This Slaps

(Source: Reddit)

Not Staged

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You What?

(Source: Reddit)

Trying to Be This Kid

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Too Realistic

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They Tried Something

(Source: Reddit)

They Got SpongeBob

(Source: Reddit)

Those Toothbrushes Make Me Uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

No Cap

(Source: Reddit)

Just Cringe

(Source: Reddit)

Fr Fr on God

(Source: Reddit)

Dad Things

(Source: Reddit)

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