
20 Confusing Images That Will Make You Do A Double Take


Published about a year ago

Do confusing images and weird perspectives tickle your brain? Are you one of those who can see dolphins and the other thing at the same time? Was figuring out the real color of The Dress too easy for you and now you seek new challenges for yourself and your friends?

We've raided /r/confusingperspective, our favorite Reddit community for unusual perspectives that take a while to understand ,and found 21 optical illusions that will have you go "Huh?" From cats floating in mid-air to people growing extra hand to experiencing what people with severe astigmatism see, our brains can be easy to fool, but trust us: there's nothing supernatural about any of the images we have here, and everything can be explained with pure optical trickery. Don't forget to visit our ever-growing gallery if you want to find even more of these!

Cat Going Cheshire Mode

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Taylor Swift Shirt, Bro

(Source: Reddit)

Is This a Car Falling From the Sky?

(Source: Reddit)

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

(Source: Reddit)

Will Kneel For Gas

(Source: Reddit)

That Sky Needed A Repaint for a Long Time

(Source: Reddit)

So Close, and Yet So Far

(Source: Reddit)

Can You Figure It Out

(Source: Reddit)

Bow to Your Seagull God

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Instant Evolution

(Source: Reddit)

Uhh Hello Is This Microwave

(Source: Reddit)

She's Not Flying, She's Floating Underwater

(Source: Reddit)

A Surgical Cut

(Source: Reddit)

Let Me Rest It On Your Shoulder

(Source: Reddit)

A Beautiful Smile

(Source: Reddit)

Anti-Gravity Has Been Reached

(Source: Reddit)

Nobody in This Picture Is Naked

(Source: Reddit)

Cool Haircut

(Source: Reddit)

High Heels

(Source: Reddit)

Extra Hand Is Always Handy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: optical illusion, confusing perspective, double take,
