There's a lot of companies out there producing a lot of unique products. There comes a point though where you have to wonder if some things are really necessary. Do we need a different potato chip for every single possible flavour and every flavour combination out there? Does everything need a touchscreen? Don't get me wrong, technology is cool and so is convenience and efficiency, but sometimes whether it's worth the money and space is debatable. I won't lie though, some of these things I do wanna try.

Reddit users, upon finding what they deem to be unnecessary products in the wild, record and compile them into the aptly named subreddit /r/ofcoursethatsathing. That is exactly what I feel like saying throughout the entirety of it. Here are 20 products that just maybe don't need to exist, but they're kinda cool.

Fish Shaped Ham

(Source: Reddit)

Hopefully it's kosher.

Cinnamon Sugar Shaker

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

What party is this for?

Why Was This Necessary

(Source: Reddit)

Peeps Dr. Pepper

(Source: Reddit)

Quick With it

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing is safe.

Gender Fluid

(Source: Reddit)

It's a Horseshoe

(Source: Reddit)

When You Can't Commit to a Sock

(Source: Reddit)

Dr. Pepper Peeps

(Source: Reddit)

The Peeps company needs to calm down.


(Source: Reddit)

Ah, Tennessee

(Source: Reddit)

Boris Johnson Beer

(Source: Reddit)

A Combo

(Source: Reddit)

I'm sure it sells.

Very Specific

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Peeps, What Are You Doing?

(Source: Reddit)


Touchscreen Toaster

(Source: Reddit)

Have They Tested This

(Source: Reddit)

Wasabi And Fresh Linen

(Source: Reddit)

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